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Sicamous residents see room for improvement on Main Street, survey shows

78 per cent of those surveyed say more waste receptacles needed, 64 per cent say more seating needed
Results from the District of Sicamous’ Main Street revitalization survey will be presented to district council at its Sept. 8 planning and development meeting. (District of Sicamous image)

As businesses open and beautification projects finish on Main Street in Sicamous, results of a recent survey show residents want the revitalization of the street to continue.

District of Sicamous planning assistant Steffi Sunny administered a survey from July 1 to Aug. 7 which asked Sicamous residents a variety of questions on Main Street improvements.

Sunny then prepared a report with the survey’s results, which she’ll be presenting to district council at its Sept. 8 planning and development meeting.

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The survey received 117 responses, 58 per cent of which were from people aged 30 to 55. Those from the ages of 56 to 64 made up 20 per cent of respondents, while the remaining per cent were from other age groups.

Respondents were asked what was more important to them on main street: Pedestrian movement and accessibility, vehicle movement and parking, or a multi-functional community space.

Multi-functional community space was the clear winner, receiving 64 per cent of the votes.

Respondents were also asked how they currently see Main Street, and 64 per cent of people said they see it as a space to spend time. According to the survey, this means doing things like meeting friends, shopping and getting treats.

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When asked what type of activities they think should be supported on Main Street, respondents could choose multiple. Their top answer was outdoor patios, at 84 per cent; followed by street markets at 76 per cent; and occasional street closures for events at 68 per cent.

The majority (78 per cent) of respondents would support those activities on the section of Main Street between Shuswap and Riverside avenues.

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Survey respondents could again choose multiple answers when it came to what street furnishings they would like to see, or have experienced a need for, on Main Street. Waste receptacles was a top concern, as 78 per cent of respondents felt more were necessary. Seating was also top of mind, as 64 per cent said they’d like to see more places to sit down and relax. Public art and bike racks received a modest amount of support, with 48 and 46 per cent of respondents respectively showing interest.

The full results of the survey can be found on the district’s website.

In a memo to council, Sunny said planning staff’s next step is to have a discussion with the district’s operations department regarding the feasibility of proposed Main Street improvements.

Read more: ‘You can’t rush it’: Meats smoked low and slow at new restaurant in Sicamous

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