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Karate students learning valuable life skills

Karate students learning valuable life skills

Sicamous and Salmon Arm Community Karate and Kickboxing schools host first tournament.

Fastball tournament this weekend in Sicamous

The Valley Blacktop Angels Ladies fastball team will be hosting their annual Ladies C Tournament June 23 to 24.
Cody Franson and Shea Weber preparing golf fundraiser at Hyde Mountain

Cody Franson and Shea Weber preparing golf fundraiser at Hyde Mountain

Tournament to raise money for BC Cancer Foundation.

Hyde Mountain’s Rick Thompson back on the links for ALS

Hyde Mountain pro Rick Thompson to golf for 2012 PGA BC Golf A Thon for ALS
Sicamous Angels host successful fastball tournament

Sicamous Angels host successful fastball tournament

Vancouver KAOS takes top spot at the Sicamous Ladies Open Fastball Tournament.
Sicamous dominates national road hockey tournament

Sicamous dominates national road hockey tournament

Sicamous Whalers dominate division in Hockey Night in Canada's Play On! tourney.

Sicamous Angels primed for fastball tournament this weekend

Sicamous Angels Ladies fastball team is hosting their annual Ladies Open Fastball Tournament on May 26-27
Sicamous PMA Karate students undertake belt testing

Sicamous PMA Karate students undertake belt testing

Fourth-degree black belt and director of PMA Karate Todd Johnston tests martial arts class for their next belt levels.
Sicamous and Salmon Arm karate students get their kicks at sparring seminar

Sicamous and Salmon Arm karate students get their kicks at sparring seminar

PMA Karate hosts seminar Saturday at the Red Barn.
Sicamous bow hunter complements technique with digital camera technology

Sicamous bow hunter complements technique with digital camera technology

Digital cameras capture local wildlife and the odd theft on video